My Prophetic Dream of Transformation

Several months ago, I had a vivid dream about butterflies in my house and I could actually "feel" things in a way I've never experienced in a dream before.  

For those who are struggling with hopelessness or regret keep reading:

My sister was at my house and we were hanging out in my living room. She was sitting on the floor and was complaining that she was cold. So I grabbed a throw cover that was next to me and threw it on the floor close to her. When the cover landed, it opened up and there was some cat feces along with dirt from outside and what looked like a bird's nest on it. I was so embarrassed in my dream. lol! So, I apologized to my sister and started cleaning the kitty poo and debris off of it and suddenly a blue butterfly flew out! It started flying around the room and then more came out until several blue butterflies filled the whole living room! My sister and I looked at each other in disbelief as they all flew in a circular motion above our heads. Then, one by one they began lining up on my arms. At first, I was scared, my sister was looking at me shocked but in awe of what was happening. That's when I "felt" something being transferred and it hurt a little at first. Then I felt little fluttery wings on my skin and an overwhelming peace that flowed through me and I opened my eyes.

End of dream.

It took some time for me to fully understand what it meant. About a week before, the same sister that was in my dream said she was praying for me on her way to work and God gave her one word for me with no other explanation. It was simply: TRANSFORMATION.

For the last few years, I've been in a place of transition, and in 2020 I felt like I was stuck in a "cocoon" like many others. But Jim and I really stepped out of our comfort zone in some interesting ways while being stuck at home. We wanted to challenge ourselves and be vulnerable to shift some things in our life and at times it was brutal. My family went through some unusual warfare and we experienced great loss as well. I was sick one way or another throughout the entire year, and yet, I'll cherish 2020 and the journey God took us on. 

Where am I going with this? 

I had a conversation last week that made me realize how much regret people are feeling right now. Waves of regret that make you feel like you "missed it" or you're way behind everyone else in life. Or that things didn't go as planned so it's over for you. You're not good enough, your relationship with God isn't as good as someone else's. You're too old, your dreams are dead, etc. You get the idea.

This is such a lie that kept me trapped in hopelessness and depression years ago. People get stuck in that belief and it sabotages their progress. It prevents growth and as they get older, the regret grows stronger because they feel like they should be further along. Until finally, they created what looks like a huge GIANT standing in front of them and they give up or don't even try anymore. 

I believe comparing yourself to others and striving is what eventually fuels that regret. The first step to shutting that thing down is to forget about your age and where you or anyone else thinks you should be. Stop replaying in your mind how you screwed up over and over again. Forget about any preconceived ideas you or others have had about you. This can all change right now no matter how bad things look or feel. Forget about your physical limitations, your mental diagnoses, or your financial state. FORGET about what happened in the past and do it again. 

Transformation and healing are happening everywhere right now and it's not being withheld from anyone who wants it. Don't underestimate how quickly this healing can happen. Taking one step of faith that feels insignificant in your mind can drastically change where you're headed. 

Take that step again and challenge your old way of thinking or distorted view of yourself. Do it before the year is over, especially with what feels like uncertainty swarming all around us. Your yes will have more power if you do it in the midst of the *smoke and mirrors* 2020 storm. Don't look to the left or to the right. Lift up your eyes, look at Him, and say yes, I’ll do it. You don't have to know exactly where you're going yet. Just jump in and embrace the mystery and awe of the ride with Him.


How To Release Shame and Love Who God Made You