3-Day Fruit Cleanse & Spiritual Detox

Powerful cellular cleanse for uprooting unhealthy beliefs, unblocking emotions, and encountering intimacy with God.

Are You Ready To Learn How To:

-Identify and release trapped emotions that you've been carrying for years. 

-Have tangible encounters with Jesus that brings deeper understanding of His love for you.

-Hear God speak to you through daily journaling. 

-Cleanse your lymphatic system with fruit that helps replenish and hydrate.

-Remove toxins from your body while releasing toxic beliefs about God & yourself.

-Practice using your sanctified imagination correctly as a powerful gift from God.


-Give yourself a total RESET that addresses the body, emotions, and mind for real breakthrough.

3 Steps In This Free Guide-

Fruit Fasting

Cleanse your body at the cellular level by eating fruit for 3 days.

Prophetic Encounters

Be led in beautiful daily encounters with Jesus for transformation. 

Practical Activations

Process and release trapped emotions with journaling, creative activations & more.

How to know when it's time for a physical, emotional & spiritual detox…

  • Sluggish or low energy

  • Skin blemishes

  • You feel trapped in your own body

  • Bloating

  • Dark under the eyes

  • Can't lose weight

  • Little to no interest in things you enjoy

  • Emotional swings that seem extreme

  • Scared to talk to God/Feel like He's punishing you

  • Overwhelmed and crying all the time

  • Unmotivated

  • Feel exhausted when waking up

These are warning signs from your body and emotions. They're trying to tell you that something is wrong.


Hey, I’m Laurie! I’m a certified Prophetic Mentor, Coach, Trainer, Creator, and Chronic Illness Warrior.

I help lead women into creative healing encounters that help release trapped emotions and unhealthy cycles. So they can build deep rooted trust with God and themselves, and walk in their Kingdom assignment with confidence.

It’s time to feel better! Let’s fall in love with the kindness of God, his voice, and how beautifully and wonderfully he made you!

Get Your Free PDF

Disclaimer, I am not a doctor, health practitioner, or licensed therapist. This guide is not designed to give medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment to any individual. This should not be a substitute for medical or professional care. You should always consult your physician before starting any type of diet, cleanse or program. Read the full disclosure HERE.