Intuition Test for The Christian Who Feels Deeply

Intuition is a subject you won’t hear being discussed at church anytime soon. The origin of the word intuition has Latin roots but is not considered Christian by any means. 

However, its original meaning directly relates to things like “seeing” “spiritual insight” “look at” and “watch over”. 

This intuition test will help you identify where you are in trusting your gut instinct and hearing the Holy Spirit. 

I believe intuition is directly related to the gut, growing in your spiritual gifts, trusting your instincts, and the spirit of God Himself. 

Intuition Test for the Mindful Christian

Have you noticed anything different about yourself in church or around other believers?

Maybe you pick up on things that others seem to shrug off or not even notice at all. You feel like the “worldly” one in how you perceive people and the situations around you. 

This could, in fact, be a clue that you’re not a total weirdo at all (embrace the glorious quirky girl within!) You may just be super intuitive and empathetic. 

Intuition and empathy is a rare and extraordinary gift that requires navigation. 

If you don’t understand how to navigate life with this gift you will believe all the feelings of others are yours, creating sensory overload and heaviness. 

Intuition Test for the Christian Feeler

Jesus promised it would be easy and light. 

But what if being intuitive doesn’t feel easy and light?

That could be another clue that you may be trying to carry the burden yourself.

This is why learning how to navigate this gift is so important.

The church hasn’t been great at training people in this gift because it’s been so misunderstood.

But Holy Spirit is the best mentor and best teacher. 

He promised to be your Helper, and the gift of intuition is this beautiful connection between what you feel in your gut and the spirit of Wisdom.

Intuition Test for the Christian Misfit

It’s time to uncover and embrace the out-of-the-box Christian misfit you were created to be! 

When reading about the healings of Jesus, I see an intuitive, out-the-box “misfit” according to the religious leaders of his day. 

You were made to be like him on purpose, and it’s time to understand more about why you feel, sense, and know things the way you do.

Take Your Intuition Quiz Below


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