How Do I Get Closer To God When He Feels So Far Away?

With much of the chaos that seems to be surrounding us right now, we find ourselves seeking a deeper connection with God more than ever.

Whether facing challenges, seeking guidance, or simply yearning for more awareness that He is with you, the question of how do I get closer to God often arises.

In this blog post, lets explore what happens when you get closer to God and some practical steps to enter into a more intimate relationship with Him.

1. Embrace Prayer and Meditation

Prayer and meditation serve as powerful tools to draw closer to God. Find a quiet space, free from distractions, and open your heart in conversation with the Holy Spirit. Share your honest thoughts, express your gratitude, and seek His voice, especially in moments of uncertainty. Through prayer and meditation, you create a direct channel for your thoughts and feelings to be heard, nurturing a profound sense of connection.

2. Immerse Yourself in Scripture

The sacred texts of scripture are a treasure trove of wisdom to help guide you on your spiritual path with Jesus. Engage in regular reading of scriptures, but also talk to God about what you are reading to gain insight and understanding. As you immerse yourself in the ancient texts, you will find timeless lessons that resonate with your life today, ultimately bringing your awareness to Gods devotion. 


3. Seek Community and Fellowship

Connecting with like-minded believers with similar spiritual goals can transform your faith journey. Joining a healthy community or connecting with just one or two people passionate about intimacy with God offers a sense of belonging and emotional support. Sharing experiences and learning from others can enrich your spiritual journey and deepen your faith. God designed us to thrive while in healthy relationships. Just like the disciples did.

4. Embrace Natures Wonder 

Nature often serves as a powerful conduit to experience the presence of God and his love, peace, and creativite heart. Spend time outdoors, marvel at the wonders of creation, and find solace in the tranquility of natural landscapes. You may feel deeply connected to God while embracing the beauty of His design. The feeling of a cool breeze, the sound of critters, the scent of flowers, and rain can connect you to His spirit.

5. Surrender Control and Trust

Letting go of the need to control every aspect of life and yielding is essential for getting closer to God. Trust in His strategy and have faith that things will unfold as they are meant to. Surrender your worries and fears, and believe Heavens wisdom will guide you through lifes challenges. 

6. Seek Silence and Solitude

Spending moments in quiet reflection and resting in His presence to better understand yourself can open up your ability to fully engage with God. Going within and listening helps connect you with parts of your heart that need attention. Learning to become quiet reserves energy and allows space to hear God's voice. Because He is always speaking and wants you to hear, feel, and sense His spirit inside of you.   

Unlock Your Prophetic Gifts & Unique Love Language With God Here.

How do I get closer to God is a question that has echoed through the hearts of countless men and women across cultures and generations.

Our journey of faith and connection is a deeply personal and unique experience.

Incorporating rest, prayer, scripture, community, gratitude, authenticity, and even silence will help you take significant strides toward deepening your relationship with Him.

Remember, He is in you, and you are in Him.

He is already close and never withholds His presence.

Embrace this path with an open heart, and you'll find yourself flowing in His infinite love and wisdom. 


15 Inspiring Intimacy With God Scriptures to Feel Closer to Him


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