Affirmations and the Words We Speak

Christian affirmations and spoken words are a great way to align with God's heart and root his truth deep within your soul.  

He says you are loved, chosen, valued, and even more about your new identity in him.

None of it is based on your own works or perfect behavior. It's simply because of who He declares you are as his daughter.

Speak these biblically rooted affirmations out loud every morning. 

I am loved

I am chosen

I am valued 

I am enough

I am in Him and he is in me

I am blessed

I am completely forgiven

I am holy in his sight

I am God’s beloved daughter

I am safe

I am a NEW creation

Okay, how did that feel? 

If you felt a little uncomfortable, that's normal. Your belief is just trying to catch up with your words. You're speaking a new language that declares what is TRUE about you. 

Let's look more at what Jesus had to say about the words we speak. 

I always heard the word confession and immediately associated it with confessing sins to a Catholic priest. However, the literal meaning of confession means *saying the same as* and as followers of Jesus, when we confess the right confession, we are aligning with what God says in His written word. Another word for confession is testimony.

Jesus said, “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Matthew 12:37 

His message was clear, our words have POWER. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. When God speaks, it comes forth. We are made in His image and designed to activate our voice according to scripture.

Do The Words We Speak Matter?

“They overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb, and by the words of their testimony” (Revelation 12:11) 

 The writer of Hebrews called Jesus,

“The High Priest of our confession.”

As a churchgoer for years, I had never heard of such a thing. We did a lot of studying, worshipping, and serving people. We had great fellowship and knew how to pray for each other. But when the church talked about confession or getting closer to God, you were encouraged to strive and exhaust yourself for His approval. Read more, pray harder, and serve until you have nothing left to give. 

If you were struggling in any way, it was your fault for not doing more. Everything taught about following Jesus seemed rooted in good works and shaming. Everything I had learned was grounded in a performance-based faith.

We were taught to establish our faith on good works rather than grace. Many began walking in an identity that put them back under the law. This disconnects us from God and ourselves. The book of Hebrews teaches us how to rest in Jesus and the new covenant of His love. It transforms our behavior when we engage with his love, grace, and mercy.

Having a grace mindset and building your foundation on it will always lead to an identity found in Jesus. Everything changed in my life with confessing his confession before I “believed” it myself.


Accepting God’s Grace Honors Him  

We see God’s unmerited favor (grace) all throughout scripture. Accepting this grace and acting out forgiveness with thanksgiving should be what we’re striving for. Through faith, we are saved, and when we learn to water the seed of faith and tend to it, that seed grows stronger. Eventually, breaking through that lying spirit of unbelief and religious striving. Allowing the transformation to finally begin.

When our faith is weak, and we agree with an unhealthy identity, we forget who God says we are. Religious-minded teachers always want to keep us in a place of shame, self-condemnation, and confusion.

The Kingdom of Heaven works like an incorruptible government. The Law of Love is its foundation. 

I like the way Psalm 91 describes it,

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you’ll find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and armor.” 

A great deception believers entertain has always been shame and condemnation. When we agree with any form of self-shaming, we give away our authority and stay in dysfunction. This is the cycle I lived out repeatedly for years. I couldn’t understand why I never had victory when it seemed I was doing everything “right.”

My mind had been conditioned at a young age to oppose God’s truth about who I am. That’s why confessing his confession begins to transform your thoughts. The words you speak have power, especially when they’re aligned with the Kingdom of Heaven. This is how Jesus handled His adversary in the desert and defeated him. 

Speak Your Promises

Always remember who God is when confessing who He says you are. Remember that promise, that last healing, or that time He delivered you from something. Seeing him through the lens of love will help you make the right confession.

The Holy Spirit remembers everything you’ve been through. There will be a day of walking in your wholeness, but you must let the Word of God test you first.

When you learn how to speak your God-given promises over your future, it must come from a place of faith. You may not believe what you confess at first. As the word tests you, your mind will transform, and you'll resolve in your heart that His promises are true. That's when the words you plant in your spirit begin taking root. As a result, your promises will come forth, and VICTORY becomes your new story.


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