Coaching For Highly Sensitive Women With Chronic Illness

Unlock Your Unique Strengths.

Receive Unconditional Love.

Transform Your Inner World.

Helping Non-Traditional Christian Women With Chronic Illness Transform From Isolation Into Deep Connections With God, Themselves, and Others

God Wired You To Heal From Within

Turning darkness into light.


Healing Your Inner World


Who Are You?

Do you see yourself as a sanctified woman who is completely loved, accepted, and qualified, even with chronic health struggles?

Are Your Thoughts & Heart Aligned?

Your thoughts are built as your mind responds to your experiences. God wants to heal, renew, & align your mind (belief) and your emotions (heart) together to partner with Him.

Do You Embrace Your Emotions?

Your emotions have a purpose and are there to communicate something. Honoring your emotions allows them to pass through correctly for a healthy mind & body.

Your mind has a powerful “root” system. Neural pathways are created in the brain based on your thoughts, habits, & behaviors. Your heart and mind are in fact the world you CREATE as a daughter of God.

Build Self-Trust By Acknowledging Your Emotional & Physical Needs

The church may have taught you to ignore your own heart and needs. Or made you feel like you were broken for having a health condition. But God has given us greater revelation and understanding of how he designed our emotions. Disconnection from your heart will harm your spiritual growth, your relationships, and most of all your body. And feeling shame for being sick leads to self-isolation and more pain.

Allowing yourself to feel without judgment will release trapped emotions and free you to engage with how God designed you.

Coaching provides a safe environment to understand your needs and explore what’s at the root of illness and self-distrust. Exploring new possibilities and going within where you can embrace inner wisdom, emotions, and who you are with acceptance and assurance that you are completely loved.

Hey, I’m Laurie Leslie!

I’m a certified mentor and heart-centered coach who helps Christian women with chronic illness learn how to trust their inner wisdom and leverage emotions as a strength. So they can confidently navigate life's challenges, establish healthy boundaries, and step into their purpose with grace and authenticity!

God promised to honor your emotional boundaries.

Invite Him into your emotions, your thoughts and your imagination, so you can co-create whatever you can dream together!

Helping Non-Traditional Christian Women With Chronic Illness Transform From Isolation Into Deep Connections With God, Themselves, and Others